Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Secret Dead-Drops on Google Maps

Dead Drops

Dead Drops is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network involving the use of USB flash drives planted in public spaces. The USB drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs and anyone can plug in their laptop to download or upload files.

If you are curious about the project and want to participate you can find the nearest USB drive by checking the Dead Drop Google Map. The map shows the location of all the public drives in the Dead Drop database.



  1. There is no way I am plugging some random USb drive into my computer. Same way as I won't leave my house keys and address on a park bench.

    1. Get drops for for the brave people you're not brave it don't say anything about it

    2. Besides that the drops are mostly safe unless someone put a virus on it which you can get by buying a normal USB from a hardware store

  2. I must admit that I thought exactly the same thing.

  3. Oh, pooor, scared users :-)) I'm so happy I don't belong to this group :-)

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hello I’m here to tell you that I’m one of the brave I myself would like to find some of them
