Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Vintage Map Styles - Remix Edition

Earlier this month Mapbox unveiled a new vintage map style created with Mapbox Studio. You can learn more about Mapbox's Vintage map and how it was created on the Mapbox blog.

The map uses background textures and bathymetry data to replicate how many vintage maps used detailed styling on the oceans surrounding bodies of land. The Vintage map also uses a color scheme designed to mimic the worn discolored paper of many antique vintage maps.

Jonah Adkins was inspired by the Mapbox Vintage map style to create his New Map of the United States (Github). You can view the map itself live here. Jonah is also responsible for the equally pretty Back 2 School interactive map. The Back 2 School map style is based on an old map of North America that Jonah found in Charlottesville.

Another remix of the Mapbox Vintage map style has been created by Nathan McKinley. The New Zealand Vintage Map style is based on an old Japanese map of New Zealand. I particularly like the interactive map insets of Wellington and Auckland on Nathan's map.

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