Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Climate Change by Electoral District

hexmap of Great Britain showing temperature increases since the 1970s

With the UK on the eve of a general election one political issue that has been conspicuous by its absence during the election campaign is climate change. I don't blame the political parties themselves too much for this. They spend a fortune on opinion polls and focus groups. Presumably they therefore know that the voting public are not concerned by climate change.

They should be!

A new map from University College London reveals that much of the UK has already warmed by 1°C since the 1970s. Using the Climate change projections by constituency over Great Britain map you can click on your electoral district and view the local temperature increase since the 70s. The map also allows you to view the 'past changes' in precipitation, and the increase in temperature on the hottest day of the year.

The UCL map can also be used to view a 'near-term future' projection of climate change by constituency. These changes are predicted using  a range of different global projections'.

The hexmap of UK constituencies used by the UCL map was created using Open Innovations' Hexify. This is a tool that can be used to turn defined areas into a hexagon map. You can use Hexify to create a HexJSON file which can then be used with Hexviz to create a hexmap. A hexmap of UK 2024 General Election constituencies is also available from Automatic Knowledge. Automatic Knowledge's UK Constituency Files contain a number of downloadable election resources, including a hexmap of UK electoral areas.

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