Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Pixel View

pixelated image of the Pyramid of Giza

I've created a simple game using images from Mapillary (and a couple of images from Wikimedia).

Mapillary is a crowd-sourced 'Street View' service that allows users to capture, share, and explore street-level imagery from around the world. Developers are allowed to use images submitted to Mapillary under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Mapillary 'street view' images can be a great resource for researchers and students studying the built environment. The images can also be used for creating pictorial geography games.

My (very short) Pixel View game requires you to identify the locations depicted in 9 street view images of famous locations around the world (and as a bonus two images sourced from Wikimedia). The only problem is that I have pixelated each image. I have however provided you with three clues for each image. In addition each time you enter an incorrect answer the image becomes a little less pixelated, making the location a little easier to identify.

You have three attempts to guess each image correctly and there are 11 questions in total. Good Luck!

Play Pixel View


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Almost unplayable - the loop that unpixelates the image takes ages to run - you should use css to do the pixelation, not manipulate the image pixel by pixel.
