Saturday, March 08, 2025

Scrambled Vintage Maps

Vintage Scrambled Maps

There's a new Scrambled Maps game in town. If you have been enjoying Tripgeo's popular Scrambled Maps game then you will also love Vintage Scrambled Maps!

If you are a fan of maps and enjoy a good puzzle challenge, then Vintage Scrambled Maps is the perfect game for you! This unique and engaging game transforms historical maps into an interactive jigsaw-style experience, allowing players to piece together beautiful antique maps of New York and London. Whether you’re a map enthusiast, a history buff, or just someone who enjoys a brain-teasing game, Vintage Scrambled Maps is sure to captivate you.

How It Works

The game features a collection of gorgeous vintage maps sourced from the Library of Congress and the David Rumsey Map Collection. Players start by selecting a map from a set of thumbnail images. Once chosen, the map appears scrambled into multiple tiles - and your challenge begins!

To complete the puzzle, you must drag and swap the tiles to restore the original map. The goal? Solve the scrambled map in the fewest moves possible! 

Vintage Scrambled Maps is just the latest addition to Tripgeo's growing collection of interactive map games. As well as the original Scrambled Maps game, you might also enjoy GeoTripper (find the shortest route between random locations) and Jumbled World (correctly name every country in the world).

1 comment:

Morocco Desert Tours said...

Wow, love it,