The Toronto Star has long been a global media innovator when it comes to using the Google Maps API. Web editor Patrick Cain writes a weekly column called Map of the Week, which invariably includes a useful Google Map mashup illustrating one aspect of Toronto life or local news.
Maps from The Toronto Star that Google Maps Mania has previously featured include:
- Toronto Traffic Cameras
- Afghan War Casualties
- Toronto Marijuana Grow Ops
- Toronto's Art Galleries
- 2007 Ontario election: GTA ridings
Map 1: Applications to evict, Toronto
A map showing applications to evict in Toronto using shaded polygons.
Map 2: Applications to evict, GTA
A map showing applications to evict in the GTA showing shaded polygons.
Map 3: Top addresses for eviction applications
This map looks at the top individual addresses for eviction applications in Toronto.
Other recent maps from The Toronto Star include:
- The GTA impaired driving map
- The Toronto impaired driving map
- Failure rates at driver test centres
- Auto theft
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