Building age maps provide a useful guide to how cities have developed over time. One of the most interesting cities in the world is New York and the Manhattan Building Age map provides a fascinating insight into the history of construction in one of the most densely packed urban centers in the world.
There are over 1 million buildings in New York City. Some of the city's oldest buildings date back as far as the early 1700's, while some of the city's most famous buildings, including the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building, originate in the building boom of the early 20th Century.
The Manhattan Building Age map includes a filter control which allows you to view only buildings constructed during specific dates. This colorful mapped visualization also includes a timeline graph showing how many buildings were built in each decade. This timeline reveals that the first 30 years of the 20th Century were the city's busiest period of construction.
You can also explore the age of New York's buildings on the New York Construction interactive map. This animated map shows the major periods of construction in New York since 1880.
New York Construction provides a great insight into which areas of New York were developed in each decade of the Twentieth Century. The map allows you to select any year since 1880 and view all the buildings in New York which were built in the 50 years immediately before your chosen date. Press the play button and you can view an animation showing all the buildings constructed in the previous 50 years of the current date on
the map. In this way the map shows the major areas of construction in New York over the last 50 years from the date selected. The buildings are color-coded on the map to show how near to the selected date that they were constructed.
You can also view the age of all of New York's current buildings on NYC's Pluto Data Map. This map color-codes all the buildings by their year of construction. You can therefore use this map to see which neighborhoods have the oldest buildings in New York and which neighborhoods are made up of predominantly newer buildings.
You can find many other interactive building age maps for other major cities around the world under the Maps Mania building age tag.
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