Since April of this year the International Space Station has been broadcasting the ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment, a live video stream of Earth. Since this video broadcast went live we have seen a number of applications which have embedded the USTREAM video on top of maps showing the current location of the ISS above the Earth.
One of the best maps of the ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment is ISS Live, a beautiful WebGL Earth visualization showing the position of the International Space Station alongside ISS's live view of the Earth. The visualization uses Kloken Technolgies' WebGL Earth with Mapbox's satellite imagery.

Another interesting map of the live video stream and the position of the ISS is radioISS. This map allows you to view the ISS HD Earth Viewing video while listening to radio stations from around the world. As the International Space Station travels around the Earth radioISS automatically tunes into radio stations from the country that the ISS is currently flying over (or from countries nearby).
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