Parteispenden is a Leaflet map of political donations to German political parties between 1995 and 2012. Parteispenden allows you to select from either of the six main parties to view a heat map of political donations across Germany.
The map reveals some obvious geographical patterns in political donations. The Christian Social Union receives the majority of its donations from Bavaria, which is hardly surprising as it only operates in this state. The Christian Democratic Union, its sister party, operates in the other 15 German states. The CDU therefore receives donations from mainly those 15 states, with only a small percentage of its donations coming from those living in Bavaria.
Die LINKE receives the vast majority of its political donations from the states from the former German Democratic Republic. Die LINKE was formed by the merger of the post-communist Party of Democratic Socialism, that ruled East Germany until 1989, and the Electoral Alternative for Labour and Social Justice. The map reveals that financial support for Die LINKE still seems to come mainly from former citizens of East Germany.
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