Thanks to the power of GPS (the Gnome Positioning System) Google are able to track Santa's movements on Christmas Eve. The Google Santa Tracker shows Santa's progress around the globe as he delivers presents to the world's children.
At the time of writing Google is heading towards Wanganui. So, if you live in New Zealand, you should stop reading this and go to bed. So far Santa has delivered over 11 million presents. Way to go Santa!

This year the NORAD Santa Tracker is using Bing Maps to track Santa's progress. You can use the map to view Santa's current position on top of a satellite view of the Earth.
After Santa has visited a country a marker is added to the map. You can click on the visited country's marker to learn a little more about the country via its Wikipedia entry.

This year you can also follow Santa live on planefinder.net. Santa's sleigh has the flight number of S4NTA2014.
The planefinder.net Santa Tracker has the added bonus of showing Santa's track. This means you can not only view Santa's current position on the map but you can also see where he has already delivered presents.
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