четверг, июня 28, 2007

(Near) Real-time cloud imagery on Google Maps!

Update - these sites no longer work so dead links have been removed.

Sterling Udell, creator of the DayLightMap Google Maps tool (which lets you see a world day/night view of the earth) has added a VERY cool new feature.. "Near Real-time" NASA cloud imagery! Take a look:

The images are obtained from NASA and are up to date within the last 6 hours. You can also take a look at the timestamp for the cloud imagery! Pretty nifty! :) Sterling has more info about the imagery on the left side of the page. Be sure to also check out his really amazing "World city lights at night" map which shows a satellite image of the world's city lights taken from space!

3 комментария:

Andrew комментирует...

The map is really slow in Firefox, even on my new Core 2 Duo computer with 2GB of RAM. It needs to be improved.

Subhas комментирует...

It's really nice enhancement. I have one question how can i acheive the day night light effect to my integrated application.

Plz send comment to subhas.soft@gmail.com


Al Smithee комментирует...

Southern hemisphere not visible for me in Africa for a few hours in the mornings (7 to 9 am) for a few weeks now.