среда, июля 11, 2007

Google Maps Tour de France Live Tracker 2007

Tour De France Live Tracker 2007:

The 2007 Tour de France is underway and the Ubilabs Tour de France Live Tracker 2007 is live once again. This Google Maps mashup will let you track the stage that is currently underway, and follow GPS-tracked cyclists that are deep in the race.. in real-time! See their exact location, as well heart rate, cadence, speed and power. Cool team jersey map markers indicate the T-Mobile, Gerolsteiner, Discovery Channel, CSC, Saunier Duval and Liquigasracer cyclists on the map. This mashup even makes use of the Twitter API for constant updates (See Live Ticker)! This is a great way to keep up with the race through a truly interactive Google Maps interface! Hurry to take a good look at this mashup before the Tour wraps up in beautiful Paris on July 29th!

Tour de France Links: Wikipedia, Official Tour website, Technorati


воскресенье, июля 01, 2007

Dubai, Abu Dhabi (UAE) now on Google Maps!

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Added to Google Maps!

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is on the map! Residents of and visitors to the UAE can now view streets and roads for major cities such as Dubai and Abu-Dhabi! While map searching isn't yet available there, searching for "User-created content" on Google Maps searching will. For example, center the map on the UAE and enter "Ski Dubai", or other search terms for Dubai to see where users of the geoweb have plotted locations for their content. It's very helpful.

New Google Maps mashups from Dubai:

Interactive Map of Gulf Architecture - Created using Google My Maps
Here are two photosets of trips I took to Dubai in 2005 and 2006..