четверг, июля 20, 2006

New Google Maps US Zip Code Mashups and Tools

Map helps you see neighoring zip codes - Maps.Huge.Info has long had a great list of Google Maps based boundary and zip code tools. Geo Developer John Coryat has informed me that he has improved his zip code map to use a custom tile layer which covers the US from zoom level 5 to 17 with potentially millions of tiles. When you search a zip code you see all other zip codes close by - give it a try!

County and Zip code Boundary Maps - Here is another zip code mashup of census.gov data and the Google Maps API (V.2.57) that lets you enter a zip code and plot the county lines that zip belongs to and also the zip code boundary. There is no restriction on the number of hits/second on this so have at it. Also, the polyline XML files are available for download for any given zip code.

четверг, июля 06, 2006

Mapping Your Photos with Google Maps

Since the introduction of the Google Maps API, many sites have added functionality that allow you to "Google map" your photos to the geo-location they were taken or where they may have location-based significance. This post will serve as a roundup of all sites that facilitate this or that help the process along. If I've missed any sites/tools that might be out there, please post a comment letting others know.

Sites that let you add your photos to a Google Map:
Flickr-to-Google Maps:
Google Photo Mapping Resources:
Example Google Photo Map Concepts: