воскресенье, июля 01, 2007

Dubai, Abu Dhabi (UAE) now on Google Maps!

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Added to Google Maps!

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is on the map! Residents of and visitors to the UAE can now view streets and roads for major cities such as Dubai and Abu-Dhabi! While map searching isn't yet available there, searching for "User-created content" on Google Maps searching will. For example, center the map on the UAE and enter "Ski Dubai", or other search terms for Dubai to see where users of the geoweb have plotted locations for their content. It's very helpful.

New Google Maps mashups from Dubai:

Interactive Map of Gulf Architecture - Created using Google My Maps
Here are two photosets of trips I took to Dubai in 2005 and 2006..

7 комментариев:

R.A. комментирует...

Pretty cool to look at. Any idea where the man made islands "The World" are? I can't seem to find them though I thought they were just off Dubai.

Cloves Carneiro Jr комментирует...

@Richard: To find 'The World', you need to use the satellite view. Try this: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=25.210998,55.180721&spn=0.098932,0.121193&t=k&z=13&om=1

Unknown комментирует...


I'm creating an application around Dubai using Maps. I see that UAE have been release in Google Maps. But I can't access it from google maps API. When do you think google maps api for UAE will be released?

Thank you in advance.

Mike Pegg комментирует...

There is never a set amount of time between the Google Maps updates and the API data but typically it's anywhere from a week or two to a month or two depending on the technical process to make it available. Stay tuned to the Google Maps API Blog or the Google Maps API Group if you have any further questions..


Анонимный комментирует...

It's very good that now people can see Dubai in google map. When I was in Dubai it wasn't easy for me to find some place and now I can do it very quickly.

Анонимный комментирует...

there is a nice mashup on http://places.ae, it shows you places in the uae, using google maps.

Анонимный комментирует...

I think I saw them on Google Earth.