четверг, февраля 18, 2010

Biking the World with Google Maps


Riderpedia is a website for motorcyclists to share and log their favourite journeys. Bikers can use the site to create travel logs of their journeys, which can be illustrated with photographs and videos, all of which can then be viewed on a Google Map.

The site also has a great journey planner. To plan a journey you just need to enter the starting location and the destination. You can then enter waypoints along your journey and Riverpedia will also suggest great places to visit along the route.

Riverpedia also includes some great social sharing options. Users can vote up their favourite journeys, discuss routes with other members and share the progress of their journey with friends.


2 комментария:

Hugh Highroller комментирует...

Now that is a great idea that combines the best aspects of personalized travel sites and GPS machines.

Unknown комментирует...

we just posted a map for cycling routes in Tuscany, please tell us what you think, Michela said you're a real expert! http://www.turismo.intoscana.it/allthingstuscany/aroundtuscany/bike-trails-tuscany/