вторник, февраля 01, 2011

Google Latitude Goes All Foursquare

Google Latitude has launched a number of new features that make it much easier for users to check-in at locations. When you open Latitude in your phone you can now view nearby venues and check-in.

To help you check-in at venues the updated Latitude includes:
  • Notifications: Latitude will now notify you to check in at a nearby place once you arrive.
  • Automatic check-ins: Add venues to your automatic check-ins and your phone will automatically check-in whenever you’re there. You don't have to lift a finger.
  • Check out: Once you leave, Latitude knows to automatically check you out of places so friends aren’t left guessing if you’re still there.
Via: Google LatLong


2 комментария:

Totally Awesome Mapping комментирует...

I can't get Google maps to print the actual mapping along with the directions. I checked the show original map view box and still nothing ... how can I get it to print the map?

piva комментирует...

In October I wrote about the necessity to have a check out
Have you read my post?

Good features!