четверг, мая 19, 2011

Brazilian Bike Routes on Google Maps

En Vou de Bike

En Vou de Bike is a Brazilian bike route generator with some nice features.

En Vou de Bike uses Google Maps to provide bike directions. To add a starting point to the map you can just drag the green bike icon onto the map. To add your destination you can drag the red 'pare' icon to the location you wish to end up.

Your route is then calculated and displayed on the map and the directions are shown in the map sidebar. Each route generated is saved and you can browse the already generated routes on the Mapas e Rotas.


1 комментарий:

Treinador Amorim комментирует...

Eu sou o Treinador Amorim aqui do Brasil e estou parabenizando vocês pelo conteúdo e as informações contidas nessa publicação.