суббота, декабря 10, 2011

The Google Map of the World's News

Hubii has to be the slickest and easiest to use news map that I have seen yet.

With Hubii users can zoom in on any location on Google Maps and find local newspapers. As users pan and zoom the map news stories from that location are automatically loaded into the map sidebar.

If a user clicks on one of the news map markers, that are placed on major cities around the world, they can view the newspapers available at that location. Users can then select to view the particular newspapers that they are interested in or even select which sections in a newspaper that they wish to view.

Registered users can create their own personalised 'Mapazine'. As they browse the map they can add individual newspapers to their own personalised news reader so that each time they log-in to Hubii they can instantly view their own personalised news stories.

1 комментарий:

Peter Brenchley комментирует...

Wow! Amazing! I really like it! :-) Good job!