суббота, сентября 16, 2023

How Families Live Around the World.

Gapminder's Dollar Street is an amazing project which has photographed and documented 264 family homes in 50 countries around the world. The resulting pictures provide a truly fascinating insight into the everyday lives of people around the world.

Around six years years ago Anna Rosling Rönnlund began sending photographers to visit families in all corners of the world. In each visit to a family home the photographer takes photos of up to 135 objects, like the family's bedrooms, toilet facilities and food. The resulting photographs have then been organized into a powerful data visualization which can help us to better understand the world and how the people of the world live.

The thousands of lifestyle photographs in Dollar Street can be explored in a number of different ways. The visualization includes a number of controls which allow you to explore the photos by country, by income level and by different topics (e.g. eating, sleeping, socializing etc). If you want to get the most out of Dollar Street however then I advise you to watch Anna Rosling Rönnlund's TED talk (embedded below), which explains some of the most insightful ways in which you can explore Dollar Street.


All the photographs in Dollar Street are licensed by Creative Commons license 4.0. This means that you are free to reuse, edit and share any of the images in your own projects and maps.

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