пятница, июля 25, 2008

Embed a Street View

StreetCities is a nifty new service that lets you embed a Google Maps street view and map in a blog or website.

I particularly like the ability to switch between the Street View and the Map. I think I might be using StreetCities a lot in the now regular Fridays Maps Fun posts to show some of the more interesting street views found on Google Maps.

StreetCities' views are very easy to set up. It is just a question of finding your location on a Google Map (there is a handy geo-coder search to guide you) and then defining your map and layout options.


3 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

I've been using StreetCities since you posted about it a few months ago. Today it looks like their domain is offline. Any word?

Анонимный комментирует...

Nevermind, the streetcities.com domain is back online again. I must have caught them during some server maintenance or something...

Unknown комментирует...

Problem with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8.First click on Show Map then click on Show Street View yields a blank page with no image. Any ideas?