четверг, июля 31, 2008

More Sites Add Google Maps Street View

Two areas that Google Maps Street View can give web visitors an enhanced user experience is in real-estate and hotel search. When you are looking at potential houses on-line or you are searching for a hotel it is obviously very useful to be able to scope out locations with street view.

screenshot of zillow
Zillow.com is an on-line real estate service with close to 3 million listings in the US. Now Zillow have added Google Maps Street View to every home details page in the areas covered by Street View.

Viewing the Street View of a listing not only means that you get a view of the property but you get a great sense of its location. You can see the view from the property and you can virtually explore the neighbourhood.

screen shot of NYC.com
NYC.com have added interactive Street Views to its attractions, events, hotels and business listings.

Visitors to NYC.com can now view hotels before booking. They can also virtually stroll around neighbourhoods for restaurants, stores and famous landmarks before deciding where to stay.


NYC Bike Maps have also added street view to their bike maps of New York.

French real-estate search engine Immobilio is the first European site to add Google street view.


3 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

NYC Bike Maps just added a street view map as well -->

Jean-Baptiste комментирует...

You can also quote Immobilio, the French real estate search engine..

According to Google Europe, Immobilio.com is the first european website to provide Streetview service.

Анонимный комментирует...

Looks pretty useful. Hopefully more hotels and apartment buildings can put together a 360 view of actual rooms like they do for some of the hotel lobbies on NYC.com.