среда, октября 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008 - Poverty

Geo-World Bank
World Bank map
This Google Maps mash-up from the World Bank provides country data, news and statistics. Countries whose populations have a low income are highlighted on the map with red markers.

The map also provides information on World Bank projects in each country and news, income levels and the location of their public information centres.

The MDG Monitor
The MDG Monitor is the UN, Cisco and Google's joint project to halve extreme poverty, halt the spread of HIV/AIDS and provide universal primary education by 2015. In order to chart the project's progress in the fight against poverty a Google Earth file was created.

You can view the Google Earth file in Google Maps here.

Oxfam works with partners throughout the world on long-term programmes to eradicate poverty and injustice. This Google Map allows users to select a country to find out more about Oxfam's work in that country.

1 комментарий:

Tutor Mentor Connections комментирует...

We're using maps in a similar way to focus attention on Chicago neighborhoods with high poverty and poorly peforming schools, and to tutor/mentor programs in those areas who are constantly searching for volunteers and donors.

Visit http://tutormentor.blogspot.com to see some examples and link to our on-line database of more than 200 different organizations offering tutoring/mentoring in the Chicago region.

This use of maps could be duplicated to draw resources to programs in all poverty areas of the world, and blog events like yesterday could be aimed at drawing volunteers and donors to these places.