среда, октября 01, 2008

Wikipedia and Panoramio Now in API

video map
Google Maps developers can now add Wikipedia and Panoramio layers to their Google Maps mash-ups. Both of the layers display icons on top of a Google Map which when opened either open a Wikipedia article or a photo from Panoramio. If you have used Google Maps recently you will have seen this in action under the 'more' button.

You can add either layer to a map with Layer object which you can read more about in the documentation.

As an example of both layers in action I have added the Wikipedia and Panoramio layers to this Video Map of the World.

Via: Google Geo Developers Blog


4 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Has anyone had any luck creating layers that are not Wikipedia/ Panoramio?

Keir Clarke комментирует...

The great thing with the Google Maps API is that you can mash-up any data with it, as long as it has a geographical element.

All the maps reviewed on this blog are basically creating layers themselves for Google Maps.

At the moment however the Google Maps API only offers Wikipedia and Panoramio layers straight from the API. For other layers you need to find the data from elsewhere.

stephen комментирует...

Is it possible to select only some Panoramio photos to be shown in MyMaps, based on Panoramio tags? I mean, is there a way to filter out the layers sources? it would be great if that would be possible within myMaps maybe adding something to the address..and not going through the API..
hope someone could help

thanks and great blog!

Keir Clarke комментирует...

I suspect you would probably have to go through the API to do that.