среда, октября 01, 2008

November Election Map

In November there will be a general election between Helen Clark and John Key in New Zealand. New Zealand's public broadcaster, TVNZ and YouTube have come together to organise the ONE News YouTube Election Debate between the two nominees. This will be the first time that the head of a national government and a challenger will face YouTube video questions in an official live TV debate.

Google have created an Elections '08 Map Gallery to highlight Google Maps mash-ups covering the 2008 US race for the Presidency. As yet I've seen little evidence of an elections gallery for New Zealand but I have found this excellent New Zealand electorates boundary map.

New Zealand Electorates Boundary Map

This Google Map mash-up allows users to select any of the New Zealand electorates. When an electorate is chosen from the map sidebar a shaded polygon displays the electorate boundary on the map. If you click on any of the displayed electorates an information window opens indicating which electorate has been clicked.

Hopefully this is the first of many New Zealand election Google Maps mash-ups. For example, it would be very easy to colour the electorate boundaries on this map to indicate which political party currently holds the seat.

Via: iWang


2 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Today www.nzherald.co.nz launched their Google maps mashup on New Zealand election. Here is the url http://www.nzherald.co.nz/electiontracker/?c_id=1501799

Анонимный комментирует...

A new Presidential Election Map allows you to see exactly how and why the election is so close. This map ignores land mass in favor of one dimension only – how many people live in each state.
Each of the map’s grid squares represents 250,000 people. On the map is the exact population of the larger states along with each state’s electoral votes. The bigger the state on this map, the greater the electoral clout. This type of map demonstrates the power & importance of the toss-up states. See article at http://www10.giscafe.com/nbc/articles/view_article.php?articleid=601182 Map and images are at: http://odtmaps.com/detail.asp_Q_product_id_E_pres-map-2008 GIF files from ODTmaps.com are downloadable and free between now and the election. ODT grants gratis permission for any non-profit use of the maps.