вторник, октября 14, 2008

Points of Interest on Your Journey

On My Way
On My Way map
On My Way is a useful facility for getting driving directions for a journey on Google Maps with points of interest on the way route also indicated. For example, in the screen shot above I have asked for pizza restaurants on a journey from San Francisco to San Mateo.

This is obviously a great idea for anyone planning a car journey. You can use On My Way to find all kinds of points of interest on your route. As well as looking for restaurants on your route you can use the map to find gas stations, museums, Starbucks or anything else listed in Google's Local Search.

1 комментарий:

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I think the interface could be better:
Hard to enter addresses
Would like to see drop down for attractions
Ability to show multiple attractions.

And why Pizza and not museum. Or zoo. I can find pizza with my nose.