понедельник, декабря 15, 2008

Street View Expands in Australia

The relentless pace of new updates to Google Street View continued today with the expansion of its coverage in Australia.

Google have added new streets in Darwin, Geelong and remote parts of the Northern Territory. The Official Google Australia Blog has found the Street Views for many of the locations used in the new Baz Luhrmann film Australia. Including this shot of the Territory Hotel, in Darwin (aka GrandView Hotel, Bowen)

Via: Official Google Australia Blog: Street View in the Top End


2 комментария:

Robert Andrews комментирует...

Why have they still not turned on Street View in the UK?

claudia64 комментирует...

Good question. I'd like to know, too. I've read recent blog postings hinting on legal/privacy issues, but I thought Google got the OK from the powers that be last summer. So, what wrench has been thrown in now? Will we get UK Street View or won't we?