суббота, декабря 20, 2008

Toronto Star Google Maps

The Toronto Star Map of the Week

The Toronto Star has long been a global media innovator when it comes to using the Google Maps API. Web editor Patrick Cain writes a weekly column called Map of the Week, which invariably includes a useful Google Map mashup illustrating one aspect of Toronto life or local news.

Maps from The Toronto Star that Google Maps Mania has previously featured include:
This week The Toronto Star is looking at eviction applications in the Toronto area, the story is illustrated with these three Google Maps:

Map 1: Applications to evict, Toronto

A map showing applications to evict in Toronto using shaded polygons.

Map 2: Applications to evict, GTA

A map showing applications to evict in the GTA showing shaded polygons.

Map 3: Top addresses for eviction applications

This map looks at the top individual addresses for eviction applications in Toronto.

Other recent maps from The Toronto Star include:
This only scratches the surface of the large number of amazing maps created by The Toronto Star. To view more just check out the archive section of The Map of the Week column.


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