среда, января 07, 2009

Street View Finds Kidnapped Child

Police have used GPS technology and Google street view to find a child who had been kidnapped by her grandmother. The police were able to determine the girl's location using her mobile phone and then entered the latitude and longitude in Google Maps. The latitude and longitude led them to this street view:

The street view shows a motel where the police correctly assumed the grandmother had booked in with the child.

Read more at the Worcester Telegram and Gazette.

Via: Google LatLong: Google Street View helps find kidnapped Mass. child


2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

Good story but this part was BS:

Since the end of 2005, cell phone carriers have been required to provide some way to trace calls to 100 meters or less. To accomplish this, global positioning technology has been integrated in cell phone handsets.

Knowing this, Officer Neale said, he contacted the child's cell phone provider seeking a way to trace the call.

The company provided him with GPS coordinates every time the phone was activated.

Knowing which cell towers were handling the connection would enable the phone provider to triangulate the location. There's no way all phones, even all new ones, have GPS capability. "GPS coordinates" means someone read out the deduced lat/long from the provider logs.

Unknown комментирует...

Minority Report.