пятница, января 02, 2009

The Coldest, Wettest Google Map


Spincloud is a Google Maps mashup that shows the current weather conditions throughout the world. Spincloud has all the usual features we have come to expect of a weather mashup but also includes a feature that can find the hottest, coldest, windiest, wettest and / or snowiest places in the world.

The map features include:
  • Instant weather search for the whole world
  • Forecasts for the US
  • Radar overlays for the US
  • The option to tag favorite locations then track the weather either through the website or via RSS
  • The ability to set a home location
  • Integration with Flickr
  • Ability to add comments for individual locations through Google Friend Connect
  • Easy registration that uses OpenId and Facebook Connect
  • Both metric and imperial units of measures
However this mashup's USP has to be the option to find the world locations with the most extreme weather at the moment. The map sidebar includes tabs for the 'Hottest', 'Coldest', 'Windiest', 'Rainiest' and 'Snowiest' data. So, for example, if you click the hottest tab it is possible to view the current hottest places in the world (Telfer Airport, Australia with 40 degrees C, at the time writing).


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