понедельник, апреля 13, 2009

Find Nearby Tweets

Nearby Tweets

Nearby Tweets uses the Google Maps API to work out your location and show you Twitter users and Tweets for your location. You can use Nearby Tweets to find Twitter users who live near you. You can also search a word to find what people nearby are Twittering about that subject.

I actually set the location to the town where I grew up and found someone I went to school with - very cool.

Previously Featured Twitter Maps
Short URL Services for Google Map Locations
  • Mapof.it - provides a really simple way to get a map or a route without first visiting Google Maps
  • Plazz.me - Enter your address into a search box and create a short url for Twitter.
  • UseAMap.com - Zoom to a location and choose your url
  • LookLeap - Add this bookmarklet to your browser. Click the bookmarklet when you want to create a small url
  • LocationMap.org - Enter a map location and define your own URL ending, e.g. http://locationmap.org/myHouse

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