суббота, июля 18, 2009

Spanish Elections on Google Maps


Google Spain have released a number of gadgets for the forthcoming general election in the country. One gadget, Mapa Electoral, shows the results of past elections by province. The map uses coloured polygons to show which political party won in each province, going back to 1977.

A Google My Map of past election results is also available (just select Mapa Electoral from the sidebar) at google.maps.es. As well as showing the election results going back to 1977 the map has an added feature; if you select the results for 2008 map markers are added to the map. These markers reveal detailed charts that breakdown the results for each province.

The map will also display the results of next Sunday's election in near real-time. Every 15 minutes the results for declared provinces will be shown via coloured polygons on the map.

Via: Edge Type


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