понедельник, февраля 22, 2010

Real-Time Buses on Google Maps

University of Michigan Magic Bus

It is still exciting to see animated markers on a Google Map representing the real-time position of public transport. The latest addition to animated real-time maps comes from the University of Michigan.

The University of Michigan Magic Bus map shows the real-time position of Magic Buses. The position of the buses are indicated by animated bus map markers. The markers are colour-coded to reflect each bus' route.

As well as viewing the animated bus markers on the map it is possible to view individual routes and stops that serve the university.

Hat-tip: Mapperz

Other Train & Bus Tracking Maps
Flight Tracking Maps
  • GMaps Flight Tracker - inbound flight maps to some busy U.S. airports: Atlanta, Boston, JFK New York, Los Angeles and Chicago
  • North American flight tracker! - works for most commercial flights originating and arriving in the United States and/or Canada
  • Radar - tracking flights over Zurich
Boat Tracking Maps

3 комментария:

Jody комментирует...

An interesting note on the swiss trains site. It is real time only if you set your computer for CET. I am on US east coast EST. If I go to the site at less say 12:45pm EST it shows trains that ran at 12:45pm CET. If I change the time on my computer for 18:45 CET and it is 12:45 EST. Then it shows trains in real time. If you are in any other time zone and have you computer set for your current time zone the site shows archive information.

Unknown комментирует...

what gps device are used,,

Chris Johnston комментирует...

I sure wish the Los Angeles MTA would institute a bus tracking map like these.
Their "NexTrip" widget simply does NOT work half the time!