вторник, марта 16, 2010

Real-Time Ship Tracking on Google Maps

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires all vessels over 299GT to carry an AIS transponder on board. The transponder transmits data on position, speed and course, among some other static information, such as the vessel’s name, dimensions and voyage details.

Thanks to this AIS data there are now a lot of Google Maps mashups showing the real-time positions of ships around the world.

Here are a few ship tracking maps:


MarineTraffic.com have produced a Google Map showing real-time information about ship movements throughout the world.

NOAA Fleet Map
Google Map tracking the ships of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Entrance of the Loire Estuary

Live ship tracking in the Loire Estuary, France. Includes a nautical map overlay.

Hat-tip: Magic Instinct


2 комментария:

Goya комментирует...

In Belgium, the site "Shiphunters" has a AIS overview map of Flushing approach, the Scheld, and the Belgian harbours (Antwerp and Zeebrugge).
Not a very sophisticated UI, but I must admit they were on of the first on the web to offer this service).


It`s a big present for Somali pirate!
Thank you google :)