суббота, марта 13, 2010

Indian Premier League Google Maps

The Indian Premier League 2010 cricket season began yesterday. This is the third season of the IPL and in just three short years it has become one of the most watched sports competitions in the world.

IPL Twitter Map

This map shows Tweets tagged #ipl. The map animates through the latest messages posted to Twitter about the Indian Premier League.

To keep up with all the latest discussion about the league all you have to do is load the map and sit back and watch.

Indian Premier Cricket League

Indian Premier Cricket League is another Google Maps Mash up from the prolific Virender Ajmani. This map shows the home grounds of each of the Indian Premier Cricket teams.

Clicking on one of the tagged grounds zooms the map into a satellite image of the clicked ground. An information window gives details of the chosen team, the latest news via RSS and even includes an embedded video about the team.

Indian Premier League 2008

This map is a couple of years old now but much of the information is still relevant for the new season. The map was created using the SadakMap Google Map creation tool.

The map shows the locations of the IPL teams' home grounds.


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