понедельник, апреля 12, 2010

Another Location Sharing Service


Flook is a location browser for the iPhone. Flook allows you to discover interesting places around your current location by showing you 'flook cards' near by.

Flook cards have a full-screen photo and some text about the nearby points of interest and, over time, flook learns which cards people like most, and then shows them to you first. Flook describe themselves as "a bit like StumbleUpon for the world around you".

Flook users can create their own flook cards and share them with friends. You can also follow your friends on flook. So flook is also a bit like FourSquare and Gowalla.

As well as displaying user generated cards flook also creates cards based on other websites. Therefore you can use flook to discover upcoming events posted on Upcoming and other event sharing sites.


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