вторник, июля 27, 2010

Afghanistan War Logs Mapped - Part two

Afghanistan War Logs: IED Attacks Map

The Guardian newspaper have created another informative Google Map from the WikiLeaks War Logs from Afghanistan. The Guardian's IED Attacks Map shows the location of 16,000 improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan over 5 years. The improvised explosive device (IED) is the Taliban's weapon of choice.

The map includes an animated timeline. If you press play at the bottom of the map you can watch the data being animated on the map from 2004 to 2009. It is even possible to view what data you wish to view on the map whilst it is being animated. The map includes markers for civilians, coalition troops, Afghan troops and others. You can select to view any combination of the map markers.

On Sunday The Guardian released the Afghanistan: The War Logs Map. The map geotags a selection of 300 of the key intelligence reports from the War Logs.


1 комментарий:

"Guppy" Honaker комментирует...

This is cool. July has been the bloodiest month in the entire war in Afghanistan. It would be good if they also showed the number of soldiers killed trying to free Afghanistan of the terror inflicted by the Talliban. (Of course, now there is a corrupt government to replace it.)

- David

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