вторник, июля 06, 2010

The Tour de France Real-Time Tracking

Follow Team HTC

Last week I reported that Google and the HTC/Columbia Professional Cycling team were releasing a Tour de France API. The API allows you to grab real-time data of the nine riders from Team HTC - Columbia and see their exact locations and real-time telemetry data.

Google have put together an example Google Map of what you can create with the data. The Google Map shows the real-time location of all nine riders. You can select any of the nine riders and track them individually on the map. You can also view real-time speed, power, cadence and heart rate.

Ubilabs - Tour de France 2010

Don't forget you can also track the riders in real-time using Ubilabs Tour de France Google Map. This year the map works with the iPhone, Android phones and the iPad, so now you can get race updates where ever you are.

Via: Official Google Blog


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