понедельник, июля 05, 2010

Find a Tennis Court with Google Maps


Wimbledon is over for another year. However that's no reason for you to hang up your racket. Tennisopia is a Google Maps mashup that can help you find a tennis court in your vicinity.

At the moment Tennisopia has mapped a few major cities in Canada but has plans to expand its coverage. To find a local tennis court you just need to enter your address and the results are displayed on the map. The map markers indicate whether the court is public, a club, a school or in a condo / apartment block.

If you click on a map marker you can get driving directions and you can view further details about the court.

Also See
  • TennisMaps Tennis courts throughout the USA
  • Berlin Tennis Map - Tennis courts in Berlin
  • Look into NYC - can help you find courts and other local facilities in New York
  • Pickup Game - Map of basketball courts, tennis courts, softball/baseball fields, golf courses, pool halls & bowling alleys in US

2 комментария:

karen комментирует...

Finally a site i can use to find tennis courts with just a click of the mouse. Why did i not think of this first...

Анонимный комментирует...

Hi, give a check also to http://www.allmycourts.com, there's quite a lot of tennis courts listed (mainly uk) and a nice map to use.