понедельник, июля 26, 2010

This Google Map is Not for Tourists

Not For Tourists

Not For Tourists is a growing series of guides to major cities around the world featuring Google Maps of local points of interest. The site includes maps for everything from restaurants, night spots, and shopping to parks, public transit, sports stadiums, museums and art galleries.

If you select a city from the drop down menu at the top of the page you are presented with the city guide and a Google Map of the selected location. Many of the larger cities are broken down into separate guides so the initial Google Map presents a number of selectable districts within your chosen city.

The Google Maps for the selected districts present local points of interest. The locations are displayed with categorised map markers so you can tell at a glance which are restaurants, bars, shops etc. If you mouse-over a map marker the name of the point of interest is also displayed.

If you click on a map marker you will be taken to the locations' dedicated page on Not for Tourists. The dedicated page includes details and reviews of the chosen location.


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In Google Maps, URL parameters may be tweaked to offer views and options not normally available through on-screen controls.

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