среда, января 26, 2011

Foreclosure for Google Maps Real Estate

Google Maps users in the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Japan until now have been able to search for real estate directly on Google Maps. However Google today announced that they are removing real estate results from Google Maps.

The search giant gives two main reasons behind the removal, low usage and the impending retirement of the Google Base API. Real estate will be discontinued on Google Maps on February 10, 2011.

Via: Google LatLong: Retiring real estate on Google Maps


2 комментария:

Jeff Green комментирует...

The Real Estate listings had become my favorite overlay on google maps as I casually seek another place to live. The value of going to any point in the nation and look for the more remote properties for sale was incalculable.

I disagree with the Google VP about the validity of other sources for this information as google maps was clearly the best.

Unknown комментирует...

I agree, this feature was immensely valuable. I would check almost daily, just to see what properties were available in an area. Google Maps Real Estate offered the best way to see what was available, for sale, for rent, and foreclosure properties, and more importantly "where" it was located.

I hope Google will consider bringing this feature back in the future, in one form or another. Until then, I have no good way to keep up with what properties are available in a specific area.