пятница, февраля 25, 2011

Google Maps Friday Fun

Google's satellite imagery update in London last week includes this amazing shot of an aircraft flying over Russell Square.

Via: Mapping London

Aus Hadeln left a comment to say he had also found this image of a plane approaching Heathrow in west London.

Travelling east along the same flight path, approaching Heathrow, I found this plane.

Where is Christchurch? The Map Game

The tragic news from Christchurch this week has ensured that everyone knows the location of New Zealand's second largest city. Or do they?

The Map Game asks you to find locations on a Google Map. Well actually not on the map, as that would be too easy, but on Google Maps satellite view. So do you know where Christchurch is?

Once you have found Christchurch you can donate to the New Zealand Red Cross at:


Artinfo - Google Maps Art

Artist Ben Joyce's paintings are inspired by the interesting satellite views he finds on Google Maps and Google Earth. Google liked his work so much that they recently asked him to show his work at their offices at Mountain View.

Artinfo have a nice slide show of Ben's work.


6 комментариев:

Nordenwind комментирует...

not the only plane over London. http://bit.ly/fVlyTm

Paintball комментирует...

Stuff like this fascinates me; i love having a look at all the insane and amazing images found on google maps. This is the first post i've seen from yourself, and I apologize if it's already done, but how about a post with some of the other things that can be found on google maps?

Becky комментирует...

Awesome pictures! I help write the My Wonderful World blog for National Geographic and using the Map Game to find Christchurch is a great interactive way to educate people about geography and current events all at once. Thanks for sharing!

Utah Google Map комментирует...

Have you ever seen this one? It's a missile flying over a national park in Utah. Can't remember who showed it to me, but it's one of the more interesting things I've seen on maps.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

I remember seeing the missile one (probably on Google Sightseeing). It turns out it is actually a plane. If you look closely you can just make out the wings.

Pam J. комментирует...

I'm glad your blog exists b/c I was fooled by that damn google map image until someone pointed me in your direction. It never occurred to me that it was real, that a satellite photo was taken at the exact moment a plane was overhead -- that's what photoshopping has done to my brain (or judgment or both).