вторник, октября 11, 2011

Steve Jobs' Life on Google Maps

Mibazaar has created an animated map of Steve Jobs' Journey of Life.

The map begins its animation with Steve Jobs' birth in San Francisco in 1955 and ends with his recent death in Palo Alto. In between this Google Map animates though the important events in Steve Jobs' life.

The important events include the founding of Apple, the purchase of Pixar, Jobs' commencement speech at Stanford University (video included) and the launch of the iPhone.


4 комментария:

Rahul комментирует...

Mr.Steve, You have become an unforgettable icon for the world. You will be a role model for all budding inventors in the future.
I pray that your soul rests in peace.

Monica комментирует...

Absolutely,Steve Jobs is a great man! He will live in apple fans's heart forever!

top10sms комментирует...

Mr.Steve, You have become an unforgettable icon for the world. You will be a role model for all budding inventors in the future.
I pray that your soul rests in peace.

Rahul kumar комментирует...

Absolutely,Steve Jobs is a great man! He will live in apple fans's heart forever...