суббота, октября 22, 2011

Mapping Violence Against Women in India

According to maps4aid the high number of female foeticide, infanticide and human trafficking prevalent in India has placed it as the fourth most dangerous country for women in the world.

They have therefore set up this citizen reporting service using the Ushahidi platform. Anyone can report an incident by:
  1. clicking on the “Submit A Report” link
  2. sending an SMS/MMS
  3. tweeting with the hashtag #m4aid
  4. using the Ushahidi App for i-Phone or Android
  5. making a voice call
All incidents reported will then be displayed on the maps4aid Google Map.

Hat-tip:Street View Funny


2 комментария:

Ant комментирует...

Nice typo. :P

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Nice spot - now corrected.