суббота, февраля 11, 2012

Trulia Local - Intelligent Real Estate Search

Trulia, the on-line real-estate website, has long been a pioneer in its use of the Google Maps API.

Last year Trulia released a Price Reductions Map that allows house hunters to view a heat map showing the average number of days a listing is on the market before sellers make their first price reductions.

Now Trulia has released Trulia Local.Trulia Local allows users to search for properties alongside local information, such as schools, restaurants, banks and stores. House hunters can also use Trulia Local to view a heat map of local crime. The heat map shows areas of high and low crime and also maps individual crime reports.

2 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

I really like this feature, Just wish it was available in Canada Square One Condo

New York Apartment Hunter комментирует...

Thank you SO much for posting this blog entry. I use Trulia all the time, and had no idea about the heat map feature... what an excellent Real Estate tool!!