пятница, февраля 03, 2012

Support François Hollande on Google Maps

The official website, TousHollande, of François Hollande, the Socialist nomination for the French presidential elections, is using Google Maps on its homepage to show user submitted messages of support.

Supporters of Hollande can add their support to the map by filling in a short form (or use Facebook Connect to sign-in) and see their own messages appear on the map. The map itself animates through the support messages already added to the map.

The map does an impressive job in creating the image of a candidate with nationwide support. It is also a very effective method for building a database of enthusiastic supporters. To add your support to the map you have to agree that you support the candidacy of Francois Hollande and wish to be informed about news of the campaign.

It would be very interesting to know whether this proves a more effective way of building a mailing list of supporters than the more traditional methods used in previous campaigns.

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