среда, февраля 01, 2012

Using GWT with the Google Maps API V3

The Google Web Toolkit is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java. Unfortunately the current GWT bindings are only compatible with the Google Maps v2 API and are not yet compatible with v3 of the API.

Luckily Brandon Donnelson has decided to build the GWT bindings for the Maps API V3. If you want to see what you can build with the bindings wrapper you can jump straight to the demo page. The examples provided include Google Maps with the Elevation Requests, Directions, Street View, Custom Street View, Custom Controls, the Drawing Libray and more.

If you want to see Donnelson's GWT bindings in the wild then visit the impressive Cycling the Alps website, which has been completely rebuilt using the bindings.

4 комментария:

Brandon Donnelson комментирует...

I have more work planned. Thanks for the mention. :)

jofrantoba комментирует...

hi, I'm jonathan torres. I'm from peru. can you help me please?

I need to use GWT and Google maps v3 in a project.

i use eclipse, but i have a error.

can you sent me a example please?

perdon por mi ingles...

jofrantoba комментирует...

Hello could you pass me your GWT library for google maps, I was testing other but I do not work in all browsers.
Here I put a map, but not displayed or firefox, or opera in their latest versions, but in chrome is very good

I hope to help me

Plethora Van Bliss комментирует...

Awesome demo. Im new with GWT google map. I would like to use a map on my local server as a base map instead of using the google map one.Offline, stand alone map. Please provide with hint how to do that.Thankx