среда, февраля 13, 2013

Philadelphia Homicides on Google Maps

Philadelphia Homicides 2006-2012 is a map visualization that uses data from the Philadelphia Police Department to animate all Philadelphia homicides from 2006-2012.

The visualization uses the Google Maps API with CartoDB's Torque library. If you like the visualization then you should check out the screencast by the developer on how he created the map. The screencast shows how easy it is to build a compelling map visualization with Torque and the Google Maps API.

2 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

what do the different colors of the points mean?

Mark комментирует...

If you're zoomed out, some areas where there are high concentrations of points appear darker (orangish). These are locations where there are multiple incidents. If you zoom in, these points separate out and you can see the individual incidents.