четверг, мая 02, 2013

Crowd Sourcing Global Night Pollution

Loss of the Night is a new Android app that is helping to measure star visibility and light pollution around the world.

The app uses the well known Sky Map (developed by Google and now open sourced) to crowd-source light pollution. With the app users just need to look up at the sky, find certain stars, and record whether they can see them or not.

Users' observations are then sent anonymously to the GLOBE at Night database.

The GLOBE at Night has itself created a Google Map of light pollution measurements taken by the public during the GLOBE at Night 2012 campaign.

Night Lights is a composite map of satellite images taken in 2012. The 'Blue Marble' image used in the map was created by NASA by carefully sifting through satellite images taken over time, in order to eliminate as much cloud cover as possible from the collated set of images.

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

This is so interesting!!! I will check if i can download this application on my android phone. I really love watching on stars and i think this application is very nice. Thanks for sharing this application.- www.cayugacorp.com