четверг, ноября 24, 2016

The Homeless of LA

In January the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority carried out a survey of the homeless in Los Angeles County. The survey estimated that there were 44,359 homeless living in the county, which is an increase of 12% since 2013.

The Los Angeles Times has released a dot map from the survey, revealing the distribution of homeless people throughout the county. Each dot on the Where are L.A. County’s Homeless? map represents one homeless person or a makeshift shelter or vehicle occupied by the homeless.

The dots do not represent the exact location of homeless people in the county but are randomized throughout each census tract. If you select a census tract on the map you can view a breakdown of the number of homeless counted in the neighborhood.

You can read more about the census and its results in an accompanying LA Times' article L.A. County has its most accurate count yet of its homeless population.

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