среда, августа 09, 2017

Stinking Neighborhoods on Airbnb

Have you ever wondered how visitors from out of town rate your neighborhood? There is an easy way to find out. You just have to ask Airbnb customers.

The Airbnb feedback section includes an option for guests to rate the area in which they have been staying. After their visit Airbnb guests rate the neighborhood using a star based system. The aggregated rating made by guests for each listing on Airbnb is publicly available. This means that you can use the Airbnb ratings to find out how visitors rate neighborhoods in your city.

If you are like Beñat Arregi this means that you can also create interactive maps for cities around the world showing how tourists rate neighborhoods in the city. In City Maps from Tourists’ Feelings Beñat has created a series of maps showing how Airbnb customers have rated the neighborhoods where they have been staying. Each point on these city maps represents an Airbnb listing. The color of each point shows the rating of that neighborhood.

Each city map provides an interesting overview of which neighborhoods in a city are rated highly by visitors and which neighborhoods out of town visitors tend not to like. If you know a city quite well it is quite good fun to see if your opinions match with those of Airbnb users.

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